Approximately 30 bus drivers from across Central Alberta put their skills to the test on May 25th during the annual local School Bus Road-eo held in Red Deer, AB.
Throughout the day, drivers from Prairie Bus Lines, Red Deer Catholic, Chinook’s Edge and Wolf Creek participated in a day of friendly competition and skillful driving. Drivers engaged in a variety of skill-testing events, including railroad crossing, diminishing clearance, back-up stall and offset alley.

We had seven participants from Prairie Bus Lines driving in the local Road-eo and Prairie Bus Lines achieved 1st Place in the “Large Bus” category and 1st Place in the “Small Bus” category!
Congratulations Jordon Freerksen for winning 1st Place in the “Big Bus” category!

Congratulations Claudia Christen for achieving 1st Place in the “Small Bus” category!

Winners from the Local School Bus Road-eo will advance to the Provincial School Bus Road-eo, which is scheduled for Saturday, June 8th in Leduc, AB.