Prairie Bus Lines is thrilled to announce that one of our own has been recognized by the Student Transportation Association of Alberta. We want to extend our sincerest congratulations to Don Strandquist for being named the 2023 School Bus Driver of the Year.
Working out of Stettler, Alberta, Don recently marked 50 years of consecutive service transporting students to school and Safely Home. His experience navigating the rural country roads and local highways is unmatched, and Don is humbled by the unexpected recognition.

“I’m tickled pink about it, actually! You know, when you’re doing something that you really enjoy, it’s never really work, and I truly believe that. In all of those years, I can never remember a morning when I said, I wish I didn’t have to drive today.”
Over the past five decades, Don has witnessed three generations of school kids in the Stettler community grow up before his very eyes. Some of his current bus students have parents or even grandparents who also rode on Don’s big yellow school bus.
“Yes, I’ve seen a third generation of families in a few places! I’ve seen a lot of kids come and go over the years. You don’t do something for this long unless you love it!”

Don is famous for fostering a positive atmosphere on his bus, and his dedication to his students has been a key ingredient in his career in student transportation since day one. In September, a special needs student on Don’s run simply refused to enter the school. After repeated failed attempts by teachers to coax the student into joining his classmates, Don took it upon himself to walk the kindergartener into the building every day at drop-off – a ritual that continues to this day.
“When he gets on the bus, he gives me a high five. When we get off, we walk into the school, and I pat him on the shoulder and say, ‘You have a good day, Wyatt.’ Then he gives me another high five, and he’s happy as a lark! For the little time it takes me to work with him, it is time well spent.”

During the holidays, Don has treats ready to hand out to every one of his riders. He always carries lollipops in his pockets for any other students he comes across and always has an easy smile and a fun story to share with students and staff. He even provides jokes to the office for the daily announcements at the school – often cutting them out of local newspapers.
Don turned a very spry 79-years-old in January, but the avid walker says he feels great and has no plans to permanently park the bus and retire anytime soon.
“I still enjoy every day of it, and I wouldn’t give it up for anything,” Don adds. “If I’m not fit to be there, I don’t want to be there, but as long as my health is good and everything like that, I’ll continue to enjoy every day with the kids.”
Don Strandquist has become a pillar of the Stettler community, and the students see him as a permanent fixture of the school and love to recognize him during the annual Bus Driver Appreciation Day. Here’s one of their recent tributes.
“Come rain or shine, you know Mr. Strandquist will make it through the worst road conditions and arrive at your doorstep. Although some days, some of us would probably rather stay home, we appreciate how we can always count on you, Mr. Strandquist” – Junior High Student, Bus Driver Appreciation Day

Don will be presented with his award at the STAA’s Supervisor’s Meeting on April 26 in Stoney Plain, Alberta. There, he will officially receive the School Bus Driver of the Year for the province of Alberta and a cheque for $500.
Congratulations, Don, on receiving this well-deserved honour and on your unwavering commitment to the safety and well-being of the students in your care.